Jens Pind Linkage, also known as JPL is generally considered a variation of the Spiral Weave, but it is tight enough that it doesn't unwind when unclasped. It looks a bit like a rope so it works for just about anything! I cannot find anything that explains the name, but I suppose it has something to do with either the technique or the creator of the weave since most I've come across usually do. The JPL chain looks pretty and simple, but it requires very precise placement of each ring so that they maintain a consistent angle of overlap to hold the shape. It is much easier to see when it is done in multiple colors but also looks lovely in a single color. It is so versatile and can be done in so many styles (usually called JPL3, JPL5, etc.) for distinctly different looks. I have only so far completed the JPL3 version in bright aluminum (single color) and anodized aluminum (three colors). JPL3 in Bright Aluminum JPL3 in Anodized...